I'm the coolest and you know it!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I decided that I need some adventure. I think I'm going to move to Russia.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Summertime is here! Yay! I only have two more days of school and then I'm done for the whole summer!!! I love my job! I'm going home for the summer. I'm really excited to spend time with my family. I also feel like I'm a freshman in college again and moving back home for the summer. I was talking to my mom today and she told me that everyone that knows I'm coming home for the summer has already set me up. I think the summer project for the Relief Society in my home ward is to marry me off. Wait...my mom is the RS President in our ward...hmmmm..... Anyway, if I'd known there were that many guys in my hometown, I may have moved back a long time ago!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

You know your life is boring when

1. your roommate calls you from her weekend trip to North Carolina to make sure you're taking the keys to the closet to Jace for Munch and Mingle.

2. you're excited to go to Idaho. Idaho! I mean, really, who even lives in Idaho? Jackalopes?

3. everyone you talk to says, "I just came back from somewhere really exciting" and you say "Oh, I spent yesterday organizing my bills and cleaning the dust bunnies out from under my bed."

4. the most exciting thing you have to do on a Sunday afternoon is update your blog.

Did you know that people can find your blog when they didn't even know you had one??? I think in order to do that you have to have a security clearance and work for a government agency that is known primarily by its three letter acronym. This is not me. I actually pay the people I work for to let me work there. We're hiring.